About the course

Learn new skills when
and where you like.

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The results

13 LPA

Average CTC


Return on investment


students bag dream tech jobs

Choose the plan that works for you

Website & Mobile App(Android). Development

A complete professional program for making career in the field of Website and Mobile App Development.

  • FOC & M.S. Office 2021
  • Website Designing Phase-1
  • Website Designing Phase -II
  • Web Development


EMI starting at ₹4333/m
Enrol now
Additional perks
  • 1. Practical, hands-on learning experiences
  • 2. Money-back guarantee
  • 3. Industry standard curriculum by experts
  • 4. Complete live classes
Website & Mobile App(IOS) Development

A program for making career in the field of Website and Mobile App Dev. in Iphone Operating System


EMI starting at ₹4474/m
Enrol now
Additional perks
  • 1. Access to career counselling sessions.
  • 2. Industry-recognized certifications
  • 3. Practical, hands-on learning experiences
  • 4. Dedicated, focused, personalised placement assistance.
  • 5. Resume and career guidance by Experts
Website & Mobile App(Android & IOS) Development

A program for making career in the field of Website and Mobile App Dev.in both Andorid and Iphone Operating System


EMI starting at ₹4762/m
Enrol now
Additional perks
  • 1. Practice for interviews with 100+ selected problems.
  • 2. Comprehensive Curriculum
Web & App (Android/IOS) Dev. + Hosting Server

Program for making career in the field of Website and Mobile App Dev. with live server hosting & Bugs handling


EMI starting at ₹4368/m
Enrol now
Additional perks
  • 1. Practice for interviews with 100+ selected problems.
  • 2. Dedicated student support services

Course curriculum for the curious

Website & Mobile App(Android). Development

15 hrs
FOC & M.S. Office 2021
Overview Of Computer
  • Evolution
  • Generations of Computer
  • Characteristics of Computer
  • Classification of Computers
  • Organization of Computer
  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices
  • Data Processing
  • Software
Operating System

Operating System

Functions of Operating System

Types Of Operating System

Introduction of Windows 11

Features of windows 11

Concept of File and Folders

Windows Accessories & Others

Windows Accessories




Character Map

M.S. Paint

Windows Explorer

Control Panel

Recycle Bin

Features of Windows Photo Gallery

Media Player

Security Management

About Virus

About Firewall

Word Processing via M.S. Word
  • Introduction of M.S. Word
  • Working with Text
  • Formatting 
  • Presenting, Proofing & Arranging objects
Getting Started with M.S. Excel

Spreadsheet and Get Familiar With M.S. Excel

Formulas & Functions

Formatting Charts & Analysis

Advance Excel & Reports

Start with Powerpoint
  • Introduction to Powerpoint
  • Working with Presentation
  • Advance Features and Visual Impacts On Presentation
  • Corporate Project
15 hrs
Website Designing Phase-1
Network Introduction
  • Introduction of Computer Network
  • Types of Network
  • What is Internet & Its Terms
  • Communication via Internet
  • Internet Useful Resources
  • Social Media Connectivity
Introduction to HTML

Create pages via HTML

HTML Basic Tags, Formatting Tag

Different Level of Lists, Headings , Links

Handling Images,  Tables, Iframes

Concept of Form 

HTML 5 Introduction with useful Tags

Introduction to DHTML
  • DHTML Concept
  • Difference between HTML and DHTML
  • Stylesheet and Its Type
  • Getting Intimate with Elements
  • Advance Web Construction
  • Arranging Elements and Layout of Webpage 
  • Introduction to SASS
  • Creation more attractive web pages via using of SASS
  • Introduction to RWD[Response Web Designing Techniques]
Creating Web Layout via Photoshop
  • Familiarizing With The Photoshop Interface
  • Detail discussion on Photoshop Tools
  • Re-touching Image, Layers & Masking
  • Working with Filters
  • Animation via Photoshop
  • Creating Home Page Layout
  • Project
Introduction to Dreamweaver
  • Session Description
  • Overview
  • Introduction to Dreamweaver
  • Creating a Site
  • Editing Web Pages with Advance Features
  • Images, Hyperlinks, Tables and more
  • Layout and Design
  • Site Upload and Download via FTP
Internal Project Website Designing
  • Research on Specified Topic
  • Communicate With Client
  • Prepare Home Page`s Layout via Photoshop
  • Prepare Inner pages of Website
  • Taking Approval of Designs From Client
  • Start HTML and CSS of Designed and Approved Home Page
  • Start HTML and CSS of Designed and Approved Internal Page
  • Make A Complete website via Linking all the Designed Page 
  • Submission The Project
15 hrs
Website Designing Phase -II
Interactive Front-End Web Development via Javascript
  • Programming Logics & Techniques
  • Flowchart, Pseduocode, SDLC
  • Introduction to Javascript
  • Prgoramming concepts(Conditions,Loops,Array)
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • Event Handling
  • JSON
  • DOM
  • BOM
JQuery: Getting more Interaction to webpage

    • Falling in Love with JQuery
    • Selecting, Decorating and Enhancing
    • Animation, Scrolling and Resizing
    • Images and Slideshows
    • Menus,Tabs,Tooltips and Panels
    • Construction, Ajax and Interactivity
    • Forms, Controls and Dialogs
    • Lists, Trees and Tables
    • Plugins, Themes and Advanced Topics
    Building User Interfaces with React JS
    • The Foundation of React
    • JSX
    • All About Components
    • React DevTools
    • React DataFlow
    • Events
    • Forms
    • Refs
    • Styling React
    • Introduction Hooks
    • Routing
    • Error Boundaries
    • Deploying React
    • Inititalize a React Project 
    • Fetching and Catching Data
    • Context API
    • React Portals
    • Accessibility in React
    Dynamic Web Apps by Angular JS
    • Overview
    • Environment
    • MVC Architecture
    • First Application
    • Directives
    • Expressions
    • Controllers
    • Filters
    • Tables
    • HTML DOM
    • Modules
    • Forms
    • Includes
    • AJAX
    • Views
    • Scopes
    • Services
    • Dependency Injection
    • Custom Directives
    • Internalization
    Getting Familiar From AJAX
    • Introduction to AJAX
    • AJAX Basics
    • Digging Deeper Into AJAX
    • Data Management and Presentation
    • AJAX Design Issues
    15 hrs
    Web Development
    Stepping in Programming via C++
    • Computing and the object-oriented design, methodology
    • C++: The funamentals
    • Modifying Objects
    • Control constructs
    • Functions usage basics and libraries
    • Programmer-defined functions
    • Parameter-passing
    • The class construct
    • Abstract Data Types
    • Arrays
    • Pointer Types
    • Dynamic Types
    •  Dynamic Data Types
    • Inheritance
    • Templates and polymorphism
    • Graphics
    • Project
    SQL Server: Database in detail
    • Data Models
    • Relations Operators
    • Normalizing and denormalizing data
    • Identifying SQL Server Tools
    • Retrieving Data
    • Functions for customizing the result set
    • Summarizing and Grouping Data
    • Querying data using joins
    • Querying Data by using sub queries
    • Managing Databases
    • Managing Tables
    • Manipulating Data though DML statements
    • Manipulating XML Data
    • Creating Indexes
    • Creating and managing views
    • Implementing a full text search
    • Implementing Batches
    Server Side Programming using ASP.Net

    Getting started with ASP.NET 

    Your First Application

    Handling requests with the middleware pipeline

    Creating web pages with MVC controllers

    Mapping URLs to methods using conventional routing

    The binding model: Retrieving and validating user input

    Rendering HTML using Razor views

    Building forms with Tag Helpers

    Creating a Web API for mobile and client applications using MVC

    Service configuration with dependency injection

    Configuring an ASP.Net core Application

    Saving Data with Entity Framework Core

    The MVC filter pipeline free

    Authentication: adding users to your application with Identity

    Authorizing: Securing your application

    Publishing and deploying your application

    Monitoring and Troubleshooting errors with logging

    Improving your Application`s Security.

    Building Custom Components.

    Testing your application

    Live Website Development Project

    Website & Mobile App(IOS) Development

    Website & Mobile App(Android & IOS) Development

    Web & App (Android/IOS) Dev. + Hosting Server

    Meet the faculty legends that will make
    you legendary

    Still in doubt? We are here to help you out!

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